"When I was about eleven years old, I remember a specific conversation I had with my father. I sat quiet while he talked about our family's Italian heritage and the origin of our last name, DeLeo. De - Leo: The - Lion. Simple enough, makes sense. What characteristics come to your mind when you think about the embodiment of a lion? I think of wisdom, respect, courage, beauty, strength, unity, and passion. Once I learned of this connection, I took a lot of pride in my last name and the characteristics it symbolized. To this day, I dedicate to live every aspect of my life with the heart of a lion."

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Spring Semester Midpoint

The past two weeks have been very busy with class assignments.  On the 29th, myself and MKT 385 colleagues delivered a presentation on the core competencies of Southwest Airlines.  Using the value chain as our guide, we concluded that Southwest has developed a relative source of competitive advantage within the airline industry.  The areas where they excel are human resources, segment positioning, cost control, and marketing.  Together these activities contribute to the enthusiastic Southwest culture and company success. 

In MKT 332, we have been developing our creative platform for our Emack and Bolio's client project.  We have successfully established our target market and campaign objectives.  On a separate note, we have also started working with Photo Shop in class.  Many of the skills from Adobe Illustrator carry over and I am very excited to have the opportunity to become familiar with these programs. In MKT 338, we have created our initial screening survey for our client, New Energy Technologies.  We are focusing on their Motion Power sustainability research.  Essentially what has been developed is hubs that are placed in the road and harvest energy from slowing vehicles.  This energy is then converted into electricity and can be used to power street signs, houses, buildings, and more. 

This week has primarily been devoted for studying for midterms.  I have put in a lot of time outside of class to prepare, and thus far it has paid off.  I am extremely excited to have the next week off for spring break, and to be visiting my friend, Brent Marks, in Arizona.  I have wanted to go visit Brent for some time now, but haven't been able to make it happen until Aunt Deb helped me out. 

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