Robert Michael DeLeo was born on September 20, 1989. He has lived a happy life devoted to his family and friends. The following summation of Bobby's personality was written by Tony DeLeo.
"The next contestant asked me not to read this but darn it, I am going to read it anyway because I wrote it and it's the truth. I love Bobby DeLeo. He is the best guy every period. Let me tell you about this young man, all year round his skin looks tan. His friends make him happy and the roots of his hair are nappy. He is his family's shinning star, he plays tasty licks on his guitar. You may know him as the quarterback, he flosses so no need to worry about plaque. His hearing is bad, his listening is worse, but he is a delight with which to converse. He has a great sense of humor, his coolness is no rumor. His favorite color is lime green, he once was a cheerleader for Halloween. For breakfast he eats raisin bran, but I just think Bobby is the man. I know you have seen him around school, so without further adu I give you Mr. Cool."