"When I was about eleven years old, I remember a specific conversation I had with my father. I sat quiet while he talked about our family's Italian heritage and the origin of our last name, DeLeo. De - Leo: The - Lion. Simple enough, makes sense. What characteristics come to your mind when you think about the embodiment of a lion? I think of wisdom, respect, courage, beauty, strength, unity, and passion. Once I learned of this connection, I took a lot of pride in my last name and the characteristics it symbolized. To this day, I dedicate to live every aspect of my life with the heart of a lion."

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Second Week in Bristol

Have lectures daily at UWE now.  Some of the sessions have been extremely informative and fun.  I particularly enjoy Rebbecca Fong's lectures on culture.  She creates a lot of good discussion within our group and really makes you stop and think about your current culture/lifestyle, other cultures, and being a minority within a nation.  Really interesting stuff and a good way to make us more conscious about our position here as Americans in Bristol. 

Other lectures have included topics such as capitalism, world banks, arts and entertainment worth, and more.  We were also assigned our large project that will be due at the end of our third week of class.  The basic premise of it is to adapt an American business here in the UK.  Why will it be succesful, what difficulties will there be, how will you operate, and the future outlook of the business.  My group has selected to introduce Jimmy Johns to Bristol.  I thought this would be a good idea because of the simple operation of Jimmy Johns and the high quality product they produce.  JJ has been very successful in the states and is growing rapidly.  They are not yet international, but one would think it is only a matter of time. 

Classes keeps us very busy and not too much time for leisure.  The bus transports to and from UWE are very unreliable, so unfortunately even more time is taken up by that.  I did make a point to stop in a small guitar shop just to play for a few minutes.  Not the same as being able to play at home.  The Murphy household is very welcoming.  Besides Bubaka another Russian student, Fuad, is staying with us for a week.  All the endless activities leave you extremely tired.  Also sort of got into a bad habbit of walking to the gas station for an ice cream bar in the evening.  Im a sucker for snickers ice cream bars.

Really cant wait to be at home soaking up the warm weather.  Love you all

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