"When I was about eleven years old, I remember a specific conversation I had with my father. I sat quiet while he talked about our family's Italian heritage and the origin of our last name, DeLeo. De - Leo: The - Lion. Simple enough, makes sense. What characteristics come to your mind when you think about the embodiment of a lion? I think of wisdom, respect, courage, beauty, strength, unity, and passion. Once I learned of this connection, I took a lot of pride in my last name and the characteristics it symbolized. To this day, I dedicate to live every aspect of my life with the heart of a lion."

Monday, February 6, 2012

MKT 331 Developments in IMC Strategy

In class this week we will be talking a lot about the Super Bowl.  What companies made good impressions, what companies didn't, and how they will be able to benefit from gained awareness.  The Honda CRV commercial was my favorite.  With the use of many Ferris Bueller references, I thought Honda did a great job of making a commercial that was entertaining and easy to relate to. 

I know that Coca Cola paid a lot of money to NBC in order to be in the studio and decide which of their advertisement they were going to run, depending on the play of the football game.  I read that the scarves on the polar bears were supposed to favor the winning team in the game.  After seeing the advertisement, the different color scarves were noticable, but I don't think viewers were able to make the connection.  Overall, I don't believe this was a great move or investment by Coca Cola.

What was your favorite commercial?

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